A regular meeting of the Hornell Area Industrial Development Corporation was held October 3, 2019 at 4:00 PM.
PRESENT: Samuel Nasca, Chair
George Prete, Vice Chair
David Parmley, Treasurer, CFO
John Carbone, Secretary
John Buckley, Assistant Treasurer
ALSO: James Griffin, Executive Director, CEO
Shawn Hogan, Executive Consultant
Margaret Frungillo, Administrative Assistant
Barbara Perrott, Assistant
John Dagon, Attorney
William Dugan, WLEA Reporter
Chris Potter, Evening Tribune Reporter
Chairman Nasca called the meeting to order at 4:20 PM. Chairman Nasca reported that there was a quorum for the meeting as required by the by-laws.
The minutes of the 7/26/19 meeting were presented by Secretary Carbone. A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by John Buckley to approve the minutes as presented. Carried All.
Treasurer Dave Parmley presented the financial reports for the months of July and August that had been e-mailed to the Board prior to the meeting. A motion was made by John Buckley, seconded by George Prete to approve the financial reports as presented. Carried All.
Audit Committee – George Prete, Chairman of the Audit Committee, stated the Audit committee met in August and approved bills in the amount of $330.00 for July. A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by John Buckley to approve the actions of the Audit Committee. The Resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows:
Samuel Nasca – Aye
David Parmley – Aye
John Buckley – Aye
George Prete – Aye
John Carbone – Aye
The Resolution was duly adopted.
Personnel Committee – No Report
Governance Committee – No Report
New Business- Chairman Nasca presented a resolution to adopt the Hornell IDC 2020 Budget (attached) as presented. A Resolution was presented upon motion by Dave Parmley, seconded by John Carbone to adopt the 2020 Hornell IDC Budget as presented. The motion was put to a vote on roll call which resulted as follows:
Samuel Nasca – Aye
George Prete – Aye
Dave Parmley – Aye
John Buckley - Aye
John Carbone – Aye
The Resolution was duly adopted.
Chairman Nasca presented a resolution for PARA and PAAA stating that the Agency members reviewed all policies and procedures. A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by John Carbone to adopt the policies as reviewed by the Board. The Resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows:
Samuel Nasca – Aye
David Parmley – Aye
John Buckley – Aye
George Prete – Aye
John Carbone – Aye
The Resolution was duly adopted.
Executive Director's Report- Executive Director Griffin stated the Hornell Humane Society will be having their annual fundraiser, the Black Cat Event, at the Main Place on October 26,2019. Griffin requested a resolution to donate $1,000.00 to this worthy cause. A motion was made by George Prete, seconded by Dave Parmley to approve the donation as presented. The Resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows:
Samuel Nasca – Aye
David Parmley – Aye
John Buckley – Aye
George Prete – Aye
John Carbone – Aye
The Resolution was duly adopted.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:32 PM upon motion from John Buckley seconded by George Prete. Carried All.
Respectfully Submitted,
John Carbone, Secretary