The monthly meeting of the City of Hornell Industrial Development Agency was held on October 28, 2010, at 5:00 PM, at 40 Main Street, Hornell, NY.
Samuel Nasca, Chairman
George Prete, Vice Chairman
Shawn Hogan, Treasurer
Dave Parmley, Asst. Treasurer
Joseph Foreman, Secretary
James Griffin, CEO, Executive Director
Wanda White, CFO, Administrative Asst.
John Dagon, Attorney
Tyler Briggs, Reporter, Evening Tribune
Chairman Nasca called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.
Secretary Joseph Foreman presented the minutes of the 9/23/10 meeting. A motion was made by Joseph Foreman, seconded by Shawn Hogan, to approve the minutes as presented. Carried All.
Treasurer Shawn Hogan presented the financial reports for the month of September 2010. A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by George Prete, to approve the financial report as presented. Carried All.
Audit Committee Chairman George Prete stated that the Audit Committee met on October 28, 2010 and approved bills in the amount of $460,278.80. A motion to approve actions of the Audit Committee was made by Shawn Hogan, seconded by Dave Parmley. Carried All.
The Personnel Committee Chairman Shawn Hogan had no report.
Governance Committee Chairman Sam Nasca reported that four members of the Agency and the Executive Director had attended the IEDC Annual Conference in Columbus, Ohio. He reported that the sessions presented were very interesting and educational, especially a presentation on the rebirth of Kansas City. Mr. Nasca left a DVD for anyone interested in viewing the presentation.
18 N. MAIN STREET - Executive Director Griffin stated that the 18 N. Main Street Building should be totally cleaned out within the next two weeks. He stated that the Agency has interest in the building but we need to finish the cleanup job and improvements to the building as approved at our last meeting.
TRIKEENAN – Griffin informed the Board that the bankruptcy proceedings were on-going. He stated that there was an offer being made to Trikeenan to buy the business and the company making the offer would like to do so by the end of the year. Trikeenan is continuing to operate in the Hornell business and is being allowed to by the Bankruptcy Court.
GRAY – Gray Manufacturing is waiting on payment from a project with the Niagara Frontier Transit Authority and has talked to Mayor Hogan and Griffin about payments with the Agency and the City that may be late until payment comes through.
Executive Director Griffin stated he had been appointed to a committee of the State Economic Development Council to produce a new checklist for Board members stating they have reviewed and understand each project the Agency is involved in. Chairman Nasca stated that our Agency did come up with a checklist for our Board and also added information to the Application for Financial Assistance that would give information needed to our Board members. The Board will also put together a more efficient cost benefit analysis sheet so they can compare the amount of tax benefits each project is getting and weigh it against the amount of wages, investments, etc. Griffin stated he would present to the Board new proposals, which would assist our Agency in compliance with PAAA.
A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by George Prete to enter into Executive Session under Public Officers Law, Article 7, Open Meeting Law, Section 105, paragraph D. Carried All.
The meeting reconvened at 6:45 PM. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 PM, upon motion from David Parmley, seconded by George Prete. Carried All.
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph Foreman, Secretary
City of Hornell IDA