The Annual Meeting of the City of Hornell Industrial Development Agency was held on Wednesday, July 28, 2010, at Noon, at 40 Main Street, Hornell, NY.
Samuel Nasca, Chairperson
George Prete, Vice Chairperson
Dave Parmley, Asst. Treasure
Shawn Hogan, Treasurer
Joseph Foreman
James W. Griffin, CEO, Consultant
Wanda White, CFO, Admin.Asst.
Wayne Drescher, Auditor
James Rahmlow, CPA
Tyler Briggs, Reporter
Lynn Brennan, Reporter
Chairperson Samuel Nasca called the meeting to order at 12:00 PM.
In absence of Secretary Joseph Foreman, Chairperson Nasca presented the minutes of the 6/24/10 meeting. A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by George Prete to accept the minutes of the 6/24/10 meeting. Carried All.
Treasurer Shawn Hogan presented the financial reports for the month of June 2010. A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by George Prete to accept the financial report as presented. Carried All.
Audit Committee Chairperson, George Prete presented the audit report for July 2010. He stated that the Audit Committee had met on 7/28/10 and approved bills in the amount of $77,771.27. A motion was made by Shawn Hogan, seconded by Dave Parmley to approve the actions of the audit committee. Carried All.
No Report
No Report
Wayne Drescher, the Agencies Auditor from Drescher & Malecki presented the 4/01/09 – 3/31/10 Audit Report for the City of Hornell Industrial Development Agency. Drescher stated that the Audit was of clean opinion and no issues were found. Drescher also stated that the Agency had a strong cash position even in these hard economic times. After discussion of the Audit, Chairperson Nasca thanked the Auditors for a job well done and asked for Board approval. A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by George Prete to approve the 3/31/10 Audit as presented. Carried All.
Mayor Hogan asked the question of why the $55,000 loan to the Chamber back in 1999 was not on the books as a receivable. Drescher and Rahmlow stated that it would need to be corrected.
Chairperson Nasca read the Mission Statement for the Agency (attached).
The Nominating Committee recommended the following Slate of Officers to Chairperson Samuel Nasca for 4/1/10 – 3/31/11:
Samuel Nasca – Chairperson
George Prete – Vice Chairperson
Joseph Foreman – Secretary
Shawn Hogan – Treasurer
Dave Parmley – Asst. Treasurer
A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by George Prete to accept the slate of officers as presented. Chairperson Nasca requested the Secretary to cast one ballot for the 2010-2011 officers. Carried All.
Chairperson Nasca also stated he had appointed three Sub-Committees in February of 2007, as required by PAAA, and they would remain for years 2010-2011:
Audit Committee – George Prete – Chairperson
Joseph Foreman – Member
Dave Parmley – Member
Personnel Committee – Shawn Hogan – Chairperson
George Prete – Member
Dave Parmley – Member
Governance Committee – Samuel Nasca – Chairperson
Shawn Hogan – Member
Joseph Foreman – Member
Chairperson Nasca also made the following appointments for 2010-2011:
James Griffin, Chief Executive Officer
Wanda White, Chief Financial Officer
A motion to accept the appointments was made by George Prete, seconded by Dave Parmley. Carried All.
The following Designations were announced by Chairperson Nasca:
John Dagon – Agency Attorney
Harris Beach – Bond Consul
Dresher & Malecki – Auditors
Jim Rahmlow – MMB, CPA
Evening Trust – Official Newspaper
A motion was made by George Prete, seconded by Dave Parmley to accept the designations as presented. Carried All.
Chairperson Nasca summarized his annual report to the Mayor and the Agency (enclosed).
Chief Executive Officer Jim Griffin summarized his annual report (enclosed). A review of continuing projects was listed to keep everyone up to date on the projects.
Griffin stated that the Empire Zone was phased out in June of 2010 but 89 businesses were still qualified for credits. Administrative work such as monitoring and providing annual reports, responding to their inquiries, etc., still had to be done with no compensation from the State.
Chief Executive Office Jim Griffin presented a Resolution authorizing the City of Hornell Industrial Development Agency to transfer title to the Hornell Municipal Airport by a quitclaim deed to the City of Hornell (enclosed). A motion was made by George Prete, seconded by Shawn Hogan to approve the Resolution. The Resolution was put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as:
Sam Nasca – Yea
George Prete – Yea
Shawn Hogan – Yea
Dave Parmley – Yea
The Resolution was thereupon duly passed.
Griffin presented a Resolution regarding the Bocobo Property on Fairview Avenue. A problem with an encroachment on the 26 acres of land being purchased was found after a survey was done. A property owner in back of the property had access only through the Bocobo Property. A resolution that has been worked out with the attorney’s is to take the 50 foot right of way and grant an easement on this land with the understanding that as soon as this becomes a dedicated street, the easement ceases. This will allow him and others access. George Prete asked if there would be any compensation now or after the road was dedicated. Mr. Griffin said no compensation on either end. A motion to authorize the Agency to enter into an agreement with Mr. Nichols for an easement and complete the sale of land was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by George Prete. The Resolution was put to vote by roll call, which resulted as:
Samuel Nasca – Yea
George Prete - Yea
Shawn Hogan – Yea
Dave Parmley – Yea
The Resolution was thereupon duly passed.
Mayor Hogan stated that it was a tough year with loss of employment due to the economy. He stated that Alstom’s issues were not because of economic issues, but were under bids on jobs. As a community the Mayor stated that Hornell has been able to stabilize taxes rate and have been able to maintain services without increases. Mayor Hogan said plans for the 18 N. Main Street building has been discussed. He said he would like to see the Agency fix up the building and use as an incubator for promoting new entrepreneurships.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:20 PM upon motion by Dave Parmley, seconded by George Prete.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joseph Foreman, Secretary