The Annual Meeting of the City of Hornell Industrial Development Agency was held July 24, 2014, at 12:00 PM, at 40 Main Street, Hornell, NY.
Samuel Nasca, Chair
George Prete, Vice Chair
David Parmley, Asst. Treasurer
Shawn Hogan, CFO, Treasurer
Joseph Foreman, Secretary
James Griffin, CEO, Executive Director
Wanda White, Admin. Asst.
Elisa Fernbach, Sr. Auditor, Drescher & Malecki
Jeff Cole, Reporter, Evening Tribune
Secretary Joseph Foreman presented the minutes of the August 22, 2013 Annual Meeting. A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by George Prete to accept the minutes of the 8/22/2013 meeting. Carried All.
Elisa Fernbach, Sr. Auditor for Drescher & Malecki presented the 4/1/13 – 3/31/14 audit report for the City of Hornell Industrial Development Agency. Elisa stated that the Audit was of clean opinion and no issues were found. She stated that the Agency had a strong cash position even in hard economic times. After discussion of the Audit, Chairman Nasca thanked Elisa for a job well done and asked for Board Approval. A motion was made by Shawn Hogan, seconded by David Parmley to approve the 3/31/13 Audit. Carried All.
Nominating Committee Chairman George Prete recommended the following slate of Officers to the Board:
Samuel Nasca – Chair
George Prete – Vice Chair
Shawn Hogan – CFO, Treasurer
Joseph Foreman – Secretary
Dave Parmley – Asst. Treasurer
A motion was made by Shawn Hogan, seconded by Joseph Foreman to accept the slate of officers as presented. Chairperson Nasca requested the Secretary to cast one ballot for the 2014-2015 officers. Carried All.
Chairman Nasca appointed the following for the 2014-2015 year:
James Griffin, Executive Director
Wanda White, Administrative Asst.
A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by Shawn Hogan to accept the appointments as presented.
Chairman Nasca announced the appointment of Committees, as required by PAAA for the year 2014-2015:
Audit Committee – George Prete-Chairman
Joseph Foreman – Member
David Parmley – Member
Personnel Committee – Shawn Hogan – Chairman
George Prete – Member
Dave Parmley - Member
Governance Committee – Samuel Nasca – Chair
Shawn Hogan – Member
Joseph Foreman – Member
A motion was made by Joseph Foreman, seconded by George Prete to accept the appointments as presented. Carried All.
The following designations for 2014-2015 were announced by Chairman Nasca:
John Dagon – Agency Attorney
Harris Beach – Bond Consul
Drescher & Malecki – Auditors
Mengel, Metzger, Barr – Internal accountants
Evening Tribune – Official Newspaper
A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by Joseph Foreman to accept the designations as presented. Carried All.
Chairman Nasca summarized his annual report to the Mayor, Common Council, and the Agency. Chairman Nasca thanked the Board and Staff for their dedication to the Agency. A motion was made by Shawn Hogan, seconded by George Prete to accept the report as presented. Carried All.
Executive Director Griffin presented his report. Mr. Griffin stated that we had seen a healthy growth pattern for Alstom. Alstom which has received several major contracts, brought back numerous employees from Rochester, and hired many people in design, engineering, and procurement. Executive Director Griffin said that all in all a lot of activity went on during the year with a lot more planned for the new year. A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by George Prete to accept the Executives report as presented. Carried All.
There being no old or new business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:45 PM upon motion from Shawn Hogan, seconded by George Prete. Carried All.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joseph Foreman, Secretary