Minutes December 15, 2016

Meeting Minutes

December 15, 2016

A meeting of the Hornell Area Industrial Development Corporation was held on December 15, 2016, at 4:00 PM.

PRESENT: Samuel Nasca, Chair
               George Prete, Vice Chair

              Shawn Hogan, Treasurer, CFO

              Joseph Foreman, Secretary

ABSENT: David Parmley, Asst. Treasurer

ALSO: James Griffin, Executive Director
         Margaret Frungillo, Administrative Assistant

         John Dagon, Attorney

          Bill Dugan, WLEA

Chairman Nasca called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM. Chairman Nasca reported that there was a quorum for the meeting as required by the by-laws.

Secretary Foreman presented the minutes of the September 22, 2016 meeting. A motion was made by Shawn Hogan, seconded by George Prete to approve the minutes of the 9/22/16 meeting. Carried All.

Treasurer Shawn Hogan presented the financial statements for September, October and November that had been e-mailed to the Board prior to the meeting for their review. A motion was made by George Prete, seconded by Joseph Foreman to approve the financial report as presented. Carried All.


Audit Committee – Chairman of the Audit committee, George Prete, reported that the Audit Committee had met on 12/15/16 and approved bills for September in the amount of $200.00. A motion was made by Shawn Hogan, seconded by Joseph Foreman, to approve the actions of the Audit Committee. Carried All.

Personnel Committee – No report

Governance Committee- No report


Executive Director Griffin asked the Board to renew the contracts totaling $4,000 with the Hornell Humane Society, Salvation Army, Steuben County Rural Ministries, and Turning Point. Griffin stated that we have contracted with them for the last four years. A motion was made by George Prete, seconded by Joseph Foreman to contract with the above organizations. Carried All.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:55 PM. 

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