The annual meeting of the City of Hornell Industrial Development Agency was held on Wednesday, August 26, 2009, at Noon, at 40 Main Street, Hornell, NY.
Samuel Nasca, Chairman
George Prete, Vice Chairman
Joseph Foreman, Secretary
Dave Parmley, Asst. Treasurer
Shawn Hogan, Treasurer
James W. Griffin, Consultant, CEO
Wanda White, CFO, Admin. Asst.
John Dagon - Attorney
Bob Clark - Reporter, Evening Tribune
James Rahmlow – CPA
Wayne Dresher – Auditor
Chairman Samuel Nasca called the meeting to order at 12:00 PM.
Secretary Joseph Foreman presented the minutes of the 8/5/2008 Annual Meeting. A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by George Prete to accept the minutes of the 8/5/2008 meeting as presented. Carried All.
Secretary Foreman also presented the 6/25/09 minutes. A motion was made by George Prete, seconded by Dave Parmley to accept the minutes of the 6/25/09 meeting as presented. Carried All.
Treasurer Shawn Hogan presented the financial reports for the month of June and July 2009. A motion was made by Joseph Foreman, seconded by Dave Parmley to accept the financial report as presented. Carried All.
Audit Committee Chairman, George Prete, presented the audit report for August 2009. He stated the Audit committee had met on August 26,2009, and approved payments in the amount of $70,690.30 for the month of August. A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by Shawn Hogan to approve the actions of the audit committee. Carried All.
Chairman Nasca directed his report to Mayor Hogan and the members of the Agency (enclosed) and thanked them for their time and efforts in setting policy, providing direction and oversight, as well as suggesting programs and objectives for the Agency. He stated the Agency and the City of Hornell had a unique working relationship and was in a good position to continue to be the leader in economic development. A motion was made by George Prete, seconded by Dave Parmley, to accept Chairman Nasca’s report. Carried All.
Wayne Drescher, Auditor for Drescher & Malecki presented the 4/01/08 - 3/31/09 Audit Report for the City of Hornell Industrial Development Agency. Drescher explained that the Audit report also included the State Comptroller’s report and now was done totally on the computer through PARIS. After discussion of the Audit, Chairman Nasca thanked the auditors for a job well done and asked for Board approval. A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by George Prete, to approve the 3/31/09 audit as presented. Carried All.
Personnel Committee Chairman, Shawn Hogan, had no report.
Governance Committee Chairman, Sam Nasca, reported that New York State Legislature passed an act to amend the public authority law and the executive law in relation to the creation of an authorities budget office and to repeal certain provisions of the public authorities law relating therefore. Nasca also reported that the Agency would be traveling to Reno, Nevada, to participate in the educational program offered by the IEDC.
Nasca reported that he had appointed an Airplane Committee consisting of George Prete, Chairman, Dave Parmley, and Joseph Foreman. The Committee had met several times and recommended that based on the facts contained in the report and considering the positive impact the airplane has on the community, it is the Committees unanimous decision to recommend the Agency continue ownership of the airplane for one more year and monitor it on a monthly basis and a quarterly report will be presented to the Agency. At the year-end, the Agency will make a final determination of the status of the Agency’s ownership of its airplane. Nasca stated if the airplane did not make a profit after one year, the Agency would consider disposing of it. A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by Joe Foreman, to accept the Governance Report as presented. Carried All.
The Nominating Committee recommended the following Slate of Officers to Chairman Samuel Nasca for 4/1/09 - 3/31/201
Samuel Nasca – Chairman
George Prete – Vice Chairman
Joseph Foreman – Secretary
Shawn Hogan – Treasurer
Dave Parmley – Asst. Treasurer
A motion was made by George Prete, seconded by Dave Parmley to accept the slate of officers as presented. Chairman Nasca requested Secretary Foreman to cast one ballot for the 2009-2010 officers. Carried All.
Chairman Nasca also stated he had appointed three Sub-Committee Chairman’s in February of 2007, as required by PAAA, and they would remain for years 2009-2010
Personnel Committee – Shawn Hogan – Chairman
Audit Committee – George Prete - Chairman
Governance Committee – Samuel Nasca - Chairman
Chairman Samuel Nasca also made the following appointments for 2009-2010:
James Griffin, Consultant, CEO
Wanda White, CFO
A resolution to accept the appointments, was made by George Prete, seconded by Dave Parmley. Carried All.
The following Designations were announced by Chairman Nasca:
John Dagon – Agency Attorney
Harris Beach-Bond Consul
Drescher & Malecki-Auditors
Jim Rahmlow – MMB, CPA
Evening Tribune – Official Newspaper
Steuben Trust – Official Depository Financial Institution
A motion was made by George Prete, seconded by Joe Foreman to accept the designations as presented. Carried All.
CEO Griffin summarized his annual report (enclosed). A review of continuing projects was listed to keep everyone up to date on the projects. Griffin stated that the Board had a lot of work planned for the next year.
Griffin stated that the Empire Zone was still up in the air on new legislation. He stated that he was working with the Commissioner to recertify two of our Empire Zone companies out of 87.
Griffin informed the Board that Xylon could not utilize the building they were leasing from the Agency as planned and was willing to sign a termination agreement on the lease. Griffin would start to find a new tenant. A Resolution to allow Griffin to sign all necessary papers was made by David Parmley, seconded by George Prete.
The Resolution was put to vote by roll call, which resulted as:
Samuel Nasca – Yea
George Prete – Yea
Shawn Hogan – Yea
Dave Parmley – Yea
Joseph Foreman – Yea
The Resolution was thereupon duly passed.
CEO Griffin presented a State Bond Allocation for $128,000. He stated the Agency usually transfers this bond allocation to the Steuben County IDA. A Resolution to authorize the CHIDA to transfer the $128,000 bond allocation to SCIDA was presented. A motion was made by Shawn Hogan, seconded by George Prete, to approve the Resolution. The Resolution was put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as:
Samuel Nasca – Yea
George Prete – Yea
Shawn Hogan – Yea
Dave Parmley - Yea
Joseph Foreman – Yea
The Resolution was thereupon duly passed.
A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by Joe Foreman to enter into Executive Session under the Public Officers Law, Article 7, Open Meeting Law Section 105, paragraph d. Carried All.
The regular meeting reconvened at 1:30 PM. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:30 PM upon motion by Dave Parmley, seconded by Joe Foreman. Carried All.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joseph Foreman, Secretary