The Annual Meeting of the City of Hornell Industrial Development Agency was held April 25, 2019, at 4:00 PM, at 40 Main Street, Hornell, NY.
Samuel Nasca, Chair
George Prete, Vice Chair
David Parmley, Treasurer, CFO
John Carbone, Secretary
ABSENT: John Buckley, Assistant Treasurer
ALSO: James Griffin, CEO, Executive Director
Margaret Frungillo, Administrative Assistant
John Dagon, Agency Counsel
Thomas Zuber, Partner, CPA, Mengel Metzger Barr & Co.
Calvin Weaver, Attorney, Harris Beach
William Dugan, WLEA Reporter
Jason Jordan, Spector/ Evening Tribune
Chairman Nasca called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM. Chairman Nasca reported that there was a quorum for the meeting as required by the by-laws. Secretary, Chairman Carbone presented the minutes of the April 26, 2018, annual meeting. A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by John Carbone to approve the minutes of the 4/26/18 annual meeting. Carried All.
Thomas Zuber, Partner and Auditor for Raymond F. Wager , CPA a division of Mengel Metzger Barr & Co., presented the 1/1/18 – 12/31/18 audit report for the City of Hornell Industrial Development Agency. This is the first year that Mengel Metzger Barr & Co have been our auditors, Mr. Zuber stated that they went back through all the Pilots and lease to familiarize them with all of the projects. The company spent over three days in the IDA office reviewing everything. Mr. Zuber further stated that the Audit was of clean opinion and no issues were found. He stated that the Agency had shown accountability with their PARIS reports. He reported the Agency had a very active year with many projects completed and continued to remain stable. After a discussion of the Audit, Chairman Nasca thanked Thomas Zuber for a job well done and asked for Board Approval.
A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by George Prete to approve the 12/31/18 Audit. Carried All.
Chairman Nasca requested a motion to recess to review the IDC Audit. A motion was made by George Prete, seconded by Dave Parmley to recess the meeting.
Chairman Nasca requested a motion to reopen the meeting following the review of the IDC Audit. A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by John Carbone.
Nominating Committee Chairman George Prete reported that the Nominating Committee had met on April 24, 2019 and recommended the following slate of Officers to the Board:
Samuel Nasca – Chair
George Prete – Vice Chair
Dave Parmley – CFO, Treasurer
John Carbone – Secretary
John Buckley – Assistant Secretary/ Treasurer
A motion was made by Dave Parmley, seconded by John Carbone to accept the slate of officers as presented. Carried All.
Chairman Nasca appointed the following for the 2019 year:
James Griffin, Executive Director
Shawn Hogan, Executive Consultant
Margaret Frungillo, Administrative Asst.
Personnel Committee – Dave Parmley – Chairman
George Prete – Member
John Carbone - Member
Audit Committee – George Prete-Chairman
John Carbone – Member
David Parmley – Member
Governance Committee – Samuel Nasca – Chair
George Prete- Member
John Buckley – Member
A motion was made by John Buckley, seconded by Dave Parmley to accept the appointments as presented. Carried All.
The following designations for 2019 were presented by Chairman Nasca:
John Dagon – Agency Attorney
Harris Beach – Bond Consul
Evening Tribune – Official Newspaper
Official Radio- WLEA- Canisteo Valley Broadcasting Co.
A motion was made by John Buckley, seconded by Dave Parmley to accept the designations as presented. Carried All.
Chairman Nasca summarized his annual report to the Mayor, Common Council, and the Agency. Chairman Nasca stated that since our creation through extra ordinary vision of our local and state representatives 45 years ago we have regularly and consistently, each year, enhanced economic development activity and grown the IDA assets. As part of the report is our annual audit prepared by Raymond F. Wager, a division of Mengel, Metzger & Barr & Co. This audit and report again clearly reflects the fact that the agency continues to create new jobs, protect and maintain existing jobs, strengthen and enhance the local economy, maintain and grow our asset base without any financial burden on our local tax payers or any other public entity
Chairman Nasca thanked the Board and Staff for their dedication to the Agency. Nasca reported that the Agency's future is looking bright with new projects as it enters its 45th year. Nasca stated that the agency is in full compliance with all requirements of the ABO, PARA and PAAA, the agency is constantly working to insure we adhere to all required accountabilities and transparencies. Chairman Nasca reported that the Board members have freely given of their time to continue ongoing educational activities to prepare themselves with the knowledge and familiarization of the complex laws and state mandates that are needed to achieve the high standards and goals that our Agency has set for now and the future. We will continue to insist on this for the future as projects and goals change in the years ahead.
During this past year our Board and staff have been very busy working with Alstom as the high speed Amtrak Acela rail train construction has ramped up and our housing projects have achieved completion and new ones have come into the picture. A considerable amount of effort by our staff and Executive Director was put forth to clear out a former project. Our Agency was forced to evict a tenant from the Trikeenan building due to large past due amounts on mortgages and PILOTS. We took this step as it was the only prudent way to protect this building. We were very fortunate to be able to find a company to expand owned by local people. We sold the building to Strobel's Supply and feel it is a great opportunity for them and our community.
Another facet of significant importance to attract skilled workers to our community and keep our citizens from traveling outside our community for quality health care is the construction of a new hospital. We should all recognize the efforts of the City, Mayor Buckley, our former Mayor Shawn Hogan, our Agency and Executive Director Jim Griffin, whose efforts clearly made the difference. Great things can be achieved when all involved work together.
We pledge our efforts to work with the City of Hornell, the Mayor and Common Council, as well as other elected officials to ensure that the City of Hornell continues to be a community where economic development creates jobs and as earlier mentioned an environment where our people can work, raise a family, keep our children home and create a family environment to go along with all of that. We are confident that we have the expertise and all the tools and have positioned ourselves to achieve all of this.
A motion was made by George Prete, seconded by Dave Parmley to accept the report as presented. Carried All.
Executive Director Griffin stated that his report is in the packet for the Board to review.
There being no old or new business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:34 PM upon motion from Dave Parmley, seconded by John Carbone. Carried All.
Respectfully Submitted,
John Carbone, Secretary